Add Applause Button for Jekyll Post

Add Applause Button for Jekyll Post

When I revisited the Hydejack official site, I noticed a little clapping button that set at the end of the post.
It seems a good idea to have a light-cost (compare to commenting) way to communicate with visitors. So I gave some research on it and finally made it as above.

So I ended up with applause.
Which is free, (donation for a good service is always an option) and easy-to-install.
(not 100% true, if you ask me. I couldn’t find a good guideline on how to customize it.)


I also donated $5!

Basically, I will add an applause button for the each-and-every post. Unless the author specifically set it otherwise.

4 files to be modified. (check related commit)



It’s not really necessary, but I just wanted to avoid inserting applause_button: true to every post’s front matter. If you have a post that doesn’t need an applause button, insert applause_button: false to the front matter of that post.

# file: "/_config.yml"
  # You can use the following to enable comments on all posts.
  - scope:
      type:            posts
      applause_button:       true

Jekyll needs js & CSS files ready. So here it is. Add the below code to the end of the file.

<!-- file: "/_includes/head/links-static.html" -->
{% if page.applause_button %}
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <script src=""></script>
{% endif %}


Applause button(if enabled) seats between contents and post-nodes such as author / comments.
If the Applause button is disabled, make sure to print the original dingbat. I’ve used the site’s accent_color (which you can change from _config.yml), but feel free to choose the best color for your blog.

<!-- file: "/_includes/components/dingbat.html" -->
{% if page.applause_button %}
  <applause-button class="mb6"
    color={{ site.accent_color | default:'rgb(79,177,186)' }}
    url={{ post.url | absolute_url }} >
{% else %}
  <!-- original content of dingbat.html -->
{% endif %}


Add the below code to the end of the file.

  • Change size
  • Make button centered
  • Number has the same color as applause button
/* file: "/_sass/my-style.scss" */
// applause-button

applause-button {
  width: 80px;
  height: 80px;
  margin: 0 auto;

  .count-container {
    color: inherit;

Append Clap Count to the Post List


Check Append Clap Count to the Post List post.

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